Skeletor Is Trump's Deputy Chief Of Staff For Policy


Stephen Miller, Trump’s former racist policymaker on immigration has a new role in the Trump administration.
His xenophobic views on immigration have led to the mass deportation plans Trump plans to implement.

“In an interview with The New York Times last year, Miller said that under a second Trump term, the military would build detention centers to house immigrants who have been arrested and are facing deportation. The new camps would likely be built “on open land in Texas near the border,” he told The Times. Miller told The Times that Trump’s immigration plans are being designed to avoid having to create new substantial legislation.

Miller will do everything in his power to eliminate Congress from blocking any of his immoral ideas.

CNN’s Dana Bash played a short clip that reveals his evil intentions.

BASH: I just want to play a little bit of a flavor of Stephen Miller, who he is, what he says, and what he believes.

MILLER: America is for Americans and Americans only.

You have two policy objectives that you proceed with utter determination on.

Seal the border.

No illegals in, everyone here goes out.

That’s very straightforward.

You would establish large-scale staging grounds for removal flight. So you grab illegal immigrants, and then you move them to the staging grounds. And that’s what the planes are waiting for federal law enforcement to then move those illegals home.

You deputize the National Guard to carry out immigration enforcement.

In a book from 2023, he reportedly wanted to uses drone strikes on migrants.

This video is from August 2, 2017

We concur with John Oliver when he said, Stephen Miller’ is ‘One Of The Most Revolting Humans I’ve Ever Seen’

I will bet the house that Lindsey Graham will become a lap boy to Stephen Miller, but he once said this, “As long as Stephen Miller is in charge of negotiating on immigration, we are going nowhere,”

The great Samantha Bee: Stephen Miller Is Garbage And Needs To Be Fired Immediately

How to be a Fascist:

Racism is in his nature.

He’s much worse now.


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