JD Vance Compares Musk's Reign Of Terror To Greta Thunberg

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference Friday morning, Vice President JD Vance defended MAGA and extremist right-wing rhetoric by equating Elon Musk, the 53-year-old richest man in the world’s attacks on the US government, to Greta Thornburg’s thoughts on climate change.

You know, Greta Thunberg. Who made those comments when she was 15, is now 22, and has never been a powerful sledge hammer operating within the Oval Office.

Musk is using his massive war chest to threaten primaries for members of Congress to ignore their Constitutional duties, so he can dismantle and destroy the entire federal government, while as young teenager, Thunberg was trying to wake up the world to do more to fight the growing risk of climate change.

One of these people is not like the other.

VANCE: Speaking up and expressing opinions isn’t election interference.

Even when people express views, outside your own country, and even when those people are very influential.

And trust me, I say this with all humor, if American Democracy can survive ten years of Greta Thunberg’s scolding, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk.

But what no democracy, American, German, or European will survive is telling millions of voters that their thoughts and concerns, their aspirations, their pleas for relief are invalid or unworthy of even being considered.

Democracy rests on the sacred principle that the voice of the people matters.

There’s no room for firewalls.

You either uphold the principle, or you don’t.

JD Vance was cowering under his bed when Greta Thunberg made these comments:

Donald Trump repeatedly attacked Thunberg in 2019, who does have Asperger’s syndrome.

Talk about free speech; Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s Treasury Secretary told Thunberg, then seventeen, to STFU.

“Is she the chief economist? Who is she? I’m confused,” Mnuchin said. “After she goes and studies economics in college, she can come back and explain that to us.”

The Trump administration and Elon Musk care little for free speech. The only speech they want to have freedom is white Christian nationalism, which includes being racist, homophobic, and misogynist.

Systematically lying and creating conspiracy theories to smear a political candidate or party isn’t just expressing an opinion. It destroys democracies.

How condescending and lowbrow of JD Vance to compare Greta Thunberg to the man who spent over $250 million to get him elected.

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