Are Your Employee Training Timelines Hindering Workforce Development?
You probably already use timelines for online training development and LMS implementation. They help you set expectations, outline tasks, and manage milestones. So, why not use personal employee training timelines to prevent L&D stagnation and create a learner-centered strategy? Staff members are able to monitor their progress, focus on long-term goals, and plan their career trajectory to a tee. They can even discover new resources and support tools to achieve their objectives. Here are 7 tips to create timelines that plot every point on their road to professional success.
7 Ways To Fuel Continuous Employee Growth
1. Begin At The End And Work Your Way Back
Start with the desired outcome of employee training timelines and identify the steps involved. How will employees reach the finish line? What improvements must be made? Of course, you want the most rapid approach without resorting to shortcuts. Working your way back also allows you to dissect the objectives and goals so that trainees can set periodic deadlines. For instance, they finish the first phase of the timeline within a week, but the final outcome might take months to achieve.
2. Let Employees Take The Lead
Staffers must be the ones in charge of their employee development training timeline. That’s not to say that managers and instructors aren’t involved. Employees still need support throughout, someone to hold them accountable and boost their motivation. However, individuals should have the opportunity to set personal goals and plot points along the timeline. This is based on their background, schedules, and preferences. Meet with employees to develop a timeline that works best for them and their training requirements. Then set up regular “checkpoint” sessions with peer coaches or mentors.
3. Include Details For Every Stop Along The Way
Add secondary goals, reminders, and other crucial details for every item on employee training timelines. For example, they need to pass a certification exam by a specific date or earn a gamification badge to achieve their goal. It ties into the performance issues they must overcome to reach the final destination. A timeline isn’t just a training tool they glance at once and then set aside. It’s a continual support resource they can refer to throughout the training experience to refresh their memory. As well as refocus their efforts.
4. Create A Separate Timeline For Training Milestones
The great thing about interactive timelines is that you can zero in and expand certain sections. Employees might take one look at the line and be overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks involved. On the other hand, a separate timeline for every milestone is more manageable. They can tackle every sub-goal or task whenever they’re ready and move on to the next. Each secondary timeline features the same reminders and deadlines as the original for better oversight.
5. Factor In The Employee’s Career Trajectory
Employees probably know where they want to be a year from now. What position are they aiming for and why? The issue is that they may not be aware of how to get there. Discuss their career goals beforehand and develop a long-term timeline based on their trajectory. Do they want to become a sales supervisor next year? What courses must they take to build related skills? Are there any optional certifications that might be useful? All these training elements should factor into the wokforce development timeline. They’re more likely to stagnate if there’s no clear goal in sight. So, work with them to identify hidden talents that might work in their favor. Especially if they’re not motivated to advance within your organization and they need a little nudge.
6. Incorporate Resources And Evaluation Methods
Staff members who have their eyes on the prize know what’s expected of them and how to achieve the best outcomes, but they also need support and guidance to fill in the blanks. Such as how they’ll bridge a skill gap or gain the experience that a managerial position requires. Include resources in your employee training timelines and outline how their performance/progress will be evaluated. For example, they will meet with a manager at the end of the first milestone to gauge their progress, as well as determine if they’re ready to move on to the next stage. There is a list of JIT support resources, courses, and certification paths they can use to broaden their understanding. They don’t necessarily need to complete them all, but it would be in their best interest.
7. Remember That Timelines Are A Work In Progress
The thing to bear in mind is that personal employee training timelines aren’t set in stone. Something might change that forces them to re-evaluate their career path or goals. In this case, they must be flexible enough to adjust their course and substitute items on the timeline, or even create new branches that help them achieve their objectives and fulfill their potential. For instance, an employee realizes that they no longer want to pursue a career in management but want to train for another department and move up that corporate ladder. This requires a fresh timeline that reflects updated outcomes and training resources.
Employee training timelines suit every learning preference and experience level. Trainees have the power to set their own objectives and determine how they’ll bridge gaps on their own. They can also see how far they’ve come and where they need to go to avoid stagnation. The secret is to put them in control of personal development while still giving them all the support they need. Nobody should have to struggle through challenges alone, even if they’re paving their own path.