The 7 Best Shoes for Petites, According to a 4'11" Fashion Editor

Get ready because I’m about to talk about two of my favourite fashion subjects: petite dressing and shoes.

You see, shoe shopping has always been one of my favourite hobbies. Long before I was a fashion editor, I would spend the weekends in my local town centre, where on entering each shop, I’d beeline for the shoe section to scout out the latest shoe trends and treat myself to a new pair. Standing at 4’11”, a great pair of shoes offered me the ability not just to make myself appear taller instantly (heels were usually my go-to) but also, in a time when many stores didn’t have the great petite offerings they do now, shoes were the one item I could always guarantee would fit. It’s for that reason I now own more pairs of shoes than any other item in my wardrobe.