'Appalling': RFK Jr Filed Petition To Stop Covid Vax Months After Rollout

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaxxing nut bag adulterer who kept roadkill in his freezer, is Donald’s choice to lead the nation’s health agencies. When thousands of Americans were dying, and others sheltered at home at the height of the pandemic in 2021, RFK Jr. filed a petition with the F.D.A. demanding that officials rescind authorization for the shots and refrain from approving any Covid vaccine in the future.

Americans were getting the jab at that time, and the country was opening back up. However, for some reason, Kennedy wanted to block Covid vaccines even though they were effective.

The New York Times reports:

Just six months earlier, Mr. Trump had declared the Covid vaccines a miracle. At the time Mr. Kennedy filed the petition, half of American adults were receiving their shots. Schools were reopening and churches were filling.

Estimates had begun to show that the rapid rollout of Covid vaccines had already saved about 140,000 lives in the United States.

The petition was filed on behalf of the nonprofit that Mr. Kennedy founded and led, Children’s Health Defense. It claimed that the risks of the vaccines outweighed the benefits and that the vaccines weren’t necessary because good treatments were available, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which had already been deemed ineffective against the virus.

John Moore, a professor of immunology at Weill Cornell Medical College, called Mr. Kennedy’s request to the F.D.A. “an appalling error of judgment.” Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, likened having Mr. Kennedy lead the federal health agencies to “putting a flat earther in charge of NASA.”

Dr. Robert Califf, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, described Mr. Kennedy’s effort to halt the use of Covid vaccines as a “massive error.”

Donald’s picks to lead agencies almost feel intentional. How could anyone fuck up this badly, and yet he seems oblivious about his picks’ lack of character and that they are wholly unfit to fill influential roles. Donald has a slew of rapey drunken conspiracy theorists to fill powerful positions, and RFK Jr. leading the nation’s health agencies could be deadly. President Biden took control of the pandemic after the felon bungled it and danced while Americans were dying, and yet, RFK Jr. chose that time to try to halt Covid vaccines that were saving lives.

Can we fast forward to after Donald leaves office, please?

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