Auctioneer Congressman Drowns Out Wacky Laura Loomer At Hearing


This was hysterical, and absolutely the correct response to this silly whack job. Don’t know if it’s true, but I read somewhere that Trump is considering a position for Loomer in his administration if he wins. Ha, ha! Via CBS News:

Republican Rep. Billy Long from Missouri took an unconventional approach when an alt-right protester interrupted a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing about Twitter Wednesday: He drowned her out with an auction call.

Long, a professional auctioneer before joining Congress, gave the call in a booming voice when activist Laura Loomer stood up to accuse Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who was testifying, of trying to tilt the midterm elections in favor of Democrats. Loomer refused to stop interrupting, so Long drew upon his auctioneering skills until Loomer was eventually escorted out of the hearing room.

Long’s approach elicited laughs from the audience.

“Somehow I think our auctioneer-in-residence is going to get tweeted about today,” said Rep. Greg Walden, R-Oregon.

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