Rep. Drunken Van Orden (MAGA-The Insurrection Inn) did an interview with Meg Ellefson on her podcast. They were talking about the protests by Republicans at Republican town hall meetings. At least I think it was DVO, but it might have been the alcohol talking:
DVO: Well, it’s not just Glenn there over uh… they’re disrupting Fitz’s meetings and uh… they did a whole bunch of Republicans around the country. And I just people have to understand you know I, I uh… well history buff and people in in uh… all people associated with the communist movement and the national socialist movement uh… used to get their way politically is they would do stuff like this. And they were called agitators. So, this is a time tested proven method or very far left and very far right groups to get their way and what I say very far right, I mean actual national socialists. So, here’s what I told everybody, we’ve been getting harassing calls. I just got more death threats last week, me personally. Uh… if anybody’s coming to any of these meetings that we have and they act in an unlawful manner by harassing people or if they’re being disruptive, refusing to leave the venue, we will have them arrested and charged with the Class B misdemeanor. I’m not going to put up with these agitators going disrespect and acting in unlawful manner to their fellow Wisconsinites or my staff, period.
DVO: All right, well, but we’re not doing it. Republicans are too nice
First off, DVO owes me a new monitor because I had a spit take on the Republicans are too nice line.
Secondly, it’s not surprising that DVO would call out the misdemeanor classification since he’s probably been warned about that when he was screaming at a teenage girl working in a public library because of a PRIDE book display or when he drunk raged at a group of teenaged pages in the Capitol building.
However, the surprising part is that he was whining about the town hall meetings in the first place, especially considering he’s never even held one. He recently skipped a meeting with the Farmer’s Union. And when there was supposed to be a town hall last week, he cancelled it because too many people showed up:
đź“ş LA CROSSE: Derrick Van Orden hastily moves meeting across town to hide from his own constituents.
“Van Orden’s staff changed the location … which some of those who signed up say their registration was removed and they were not told about the location change.”
— Joe Oslund (@joe_oslund) March 2, 2025
But there’s more. There’s always more.
DVO was supposed to have another town hall meeting, but abruptly changed the location and rescinded people’s tickets – without even notifying them:
đź“ş EAU CLAIRE: @derrickvanorden office cancels a meeting with constituents.
“Staffers cancelled after learning more than 100 people were interested in going. They say they only agreed to a meeting of 24.”
— Joe Oslund (@joe_oslund) February 27, 2025
Here’s a pro tip for DVO: First, you gotta at least make an honest attempt at holding a real town hall before you can whine about them.
And as a bonus pro tip: You can’t complain about Nazis when you act like one.
H/T Heartland Signal for the top video