Enhancing vaccine uptake for pan-respiratory viruses [PODCAST]

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Pediatrician Christina Suh discusses the KevinMD article, “More than just the flu: Helping families and doctors prepare for pan-respiratory viruses.” In this episode, Christina addresses the challenges of the current pan-respiratory season, including RSV, COVID, and the flu, emphasizing the critical role of vaccines in saving lives. She explores the concept of closing the intention gap to support individuals who want to get vaccinated by making the process easier, rather than focusing solely on vaccine hesitancy. Christina highlights the overwhelming burden on health care providers to communicate complex vaccination guidelines and presents digital messaging strategies that effectively increase vaccine uptake without adding to provider workload. Additionally, she discusses the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Risk Less. Do More. campaign and offers actionable strategies for health care systems to enhance patient engagement and improve vaccination rates.

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