I'm a 44-Year-Old Beauty Editor Who Tests Everything—Meet the Products That Survived My EOY Purge

At the end of each year, many people take the time to reflect on the past 12 months or make resolutions for the future ones to come. I, however, like to survey my big bag of beauty empties. I’ll analyze these used tubes and bottles of products and ask myself three questions. Which ones were so bad I don’t care to see them on my vanity ever again? Which were way too overhyped? And most importantly, which ones earned a permanent spot on my beauty roster?

I’ll admit that for a good chunk of 2024, things were more chaotic than cute. But I found solace and amusement in the small things, including a handful of beauty gems that helped me get through the drama. And they’re coming with me to 2025, baby! Take, for example, my new favorite setting spray—which has been loved by practically everyone—that completely lives up to its viral reputation. Or the shampoo and conditioner that literally get me excited to wash my hair. While most of these are newbies to my routine, there are one or two that I feel are underrated and need to be celebrated!

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