Ron Johnson: F**k The Veterans

After President Elmo and Felonia took their chainsaws to the Department of Veteran Affairs, it didn’t take long for the effects to be felt at the Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee:

Under a contingency plan created by the VA, effective immediately, hospital staff were asked to retrieve medical instruments and supplies from the basement instead of relying on the well-stocked units within their wing usually managed by supply technicians.

It’s the latest squeeze of an already-depleted team of caregivers, employees say, and increases the risk of delayed patient care.

When Senator Ron Johnson, who likes to make a big deal of pretending to care about veterans, especially near election time, shrugged the whole thing off as just being some report and that it wasn’t really happening:

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican, dismissed the VA’s planned layoffs of as many as 83,000 workers in a Wednesday morning WisPolitics event near the U.S. Capitol as “just a report” and said the cuts haven’t yet happened. Instead, Johnson suggested bipartisan support for the VA and veterans is strong — to the point that it has bloated the workforce.

“Everybody — bipartisan basis — will vote for (funding for veterans) to the point where we overfund it,” Johnson said. He said the VA “is not a particularly efficient organization.”

“One thing you don’t have to worry about being underfunded is support for veterans,” Johnson said. “Doesn’t happen.” He said the VA receives substantial funding and insisted that is not going to change.

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat, said in a Tuesday press release the Trump administration’s assertion that cutting 83,000 VA employees will have no impact on veterans’ care and benefits is “blatantly dishonest.”

It’s truly pathetic when a US Senator cares more for Russian aristocrats than United States veterans.

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