RW Pastor Webbon: The US ‘Belongs To Christians’

We at C&L are no strangers to Christian nationalist Pastor Joel Webbon or his extremist, anti-Constitutional views. Webbon wants a male theocracy and has called it the “Christian position” to take away women’s right to vote by repealing the 19th Amendment. He has also called for public executions of women who file false reports of sexual assault. In December, John Amato wrote about Webbon proclaiming that in his radical vision for the U.S., “no practicing Jew who hasn’t converted to Christianity will be able to serve in public office.”

If anything, Webbon has since doubled down. Right Wing Watch caught him reiterating his belief that “Jews cannot hold public office.”

Webbon allowed that Jews “can live here peacefully and these kinds of things.” But, he added that those who “reject Christ” can “be in the car and we shouldn’t mistreat them, but they don’t get to drive.”

“Christians, you are allowed to have a country,” Webbon continued. “This nation is for us and our posterity. It’s not for Hindus, it’s not for Muslims and it’s not for Jews. It belongs to Christians.”

Funny, I thought the Constitution governs our nation, not Christianity or right-wing pastors. The First Amendment begins, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

Webbon is not alone in thinking that a fanatical view of Christianity trumps the U.S. Constitution. He’s part of a rising radical MAGA group dubbed the “TheoBros.”

But what’s even worse is that J.D. Vance, the guy now one heartbeat, impeachment or 25th Amendment away from the presidency, is an ally. RedStateRachel wrote, “Doug Wilson, the TheoBros guru, shared the stage at the National Conservatism Conference in Washington, DC in July with Vance just before he was named as Trump’s VP pick.” The TheoBros consider Vance “our guy,” she noted.

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