TP 'Education Warrior' Claims Satan Is Using Teachers Unions

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Rebecca Friedrichs, whom TPUSA had called an “education warrior” is a poor, confused woman who has a deep-seated, irrational hatred of public education, which she accused of using the COVID pandemic to teach children how to sext, to view porn and to groom children for sexual predators. She also finds teacher unions to be quite loathesome and sued the California Teachers Union for the right to be a freeloader. That case ended up 4-4, but was seen as the precursor of the Janus v AFSCME case which legalized freeloading off of unions.

Well, she is still batshit crazy and now tied in with TPUSA. Recently, she was at AmericaFest, where she kept up her nonsense but found a scapegoat for all of her paranoid beliefs – old Scratch, Satan himself:

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